About Us

News Factory (newsfactory.in) is an impartial news portal implemented by Bhupendra Singh Lodhi.


It presents free news on the agenda of India and the world to its users in a language that everyone can understand.


This platform includes a complete system for writing articles, publications, topics, news and posts.


It allows your users to write articles or news so they can earn money by getting paid per article view. For more details please check write and get paid details.


Its contents are shared with its own editors and members and writers as a social news platform.


Also, it includes a referral system, withdrawal system, Login with social networks like Facebook, Twitter & Google, multiple captcha integrations like reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox/invisible and Solve Media and much more!.


For more details you can contact us by email support@newsfactory.in or write your query at contact us page.