wonders of science


the question that hanuts a lot of people in our country is.Is a regular study of science a pre-requisite for cultivativating scienntfic tempar ? 

The Scientific Approach -

Before we try to answers this we need to ask and answer two more question.

what is science?And what is this scientific tempar which our founding fathers wanted us to cultivate?science,as we understand it today, originated in the west in the form of alchemy which was the medieval form of chemistry concerned particcularly with conveting base metals into gold or finding universal elixir. Later,Sir Iassc Newton, an Engilshmathematician and physicist, laid the foundation of classical physics. He was the greatest single influence until Einsteion. the scientific method that evolved under his influence consists of (a)observtionand and recording data (b) generalisation and framing a hypothesis and (c) experimentation to validate the hypothesis. If experimental proof is subjet to human knowledge and standards of measurement available at the time. Hence, as time went by, older theories yielded place to newer ones. An example is Daltons Atomic Theeory. It assumed that matter is made up of small indivisible particles called atoms. And it dominated by the atom bombs in 1945.

 The Conclusion-

It is this aspect of scientific approach which is of utmost importance. If lays down that science does notclaim to have the ultimost answer, Hence students and practitioners of science cannot afford to be dogmatic. This implies thet a person who depends  on reason to believe or not to believe something and is not dogmatic in his approach will be thought of as having scientific temper, and for this it is not necessary to pursue a regular study of science as this is the core of our indian tradition 

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